Keep It Simple, Seriously: Building a no-frills Secret Santa assigner

Author’s note: Yes, I haven’t posted in a year. I published my MSc thesis, and have started work with Amazon Web Services. But this post is quick and fun. And I’ll be memeing Amazon’s Leadership Principles™️ along the way, as a homage. Okay, let’s get started and set the scene: every year, my family gets together for Chrismas eve, and a tradition that we have, since we are so many, is to do a Secret Santa - everyone, kids excluded, draws another member of the extended family to gift to; then, instead of having to gift everyone a bunch of useless trinkets, they can give a better thought out present!...

November 25, 2022 · 4 min · João N. Matos

Who gives a sh*t about the tech, just write something; or how I finally started my programming blog

I didn’t think my second blog ever would already be a meta post about blogging, but, facing a lack of an actual topic related to tech, because consistency makes the habit, and because I did not want to skip posting this week, here I am, writing about writing. I’ll keep it as short as my beginner writing skills allow me to, I promise. My close friends might know this, and everyone else might not, but could have guessed it: I had been thinking of starting a blog for almost two years....

December 30, 2021 · 6 min · João N. Matos

Fun DSLs in Kotlin - Builders and Receiver Types

We use DSLs everywhere. Every language has different patterns, so today I wanted to share a fun Kotlin pattern that you can use for builders in your embedded DSL. A Convoluted Example Let’s say that we are building a scraper today to help us scrape all the passwords off an unprotected admin page in a website. The admins have access to a lot of JSON endpoints that look something like:...

December 22, 2021 · 6 min · João N. Matos